The numbers are in; there were 11,927,439 shoeboxes that were collected, including 10,574,805 in the U.S. This year we want to encourage you to "Adopt a Shoebox."
This is from Samaritan’s Purse:
Through Operation Christmas Child, Samaritan’s Purse is sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with millions of boys and girls in more than 100 countries each year. Many of these children have never before received a present or heard the true meaning of Christmas—until they open a gift-filled shoebox from a person like you. Some people are not able to give the $10 per shoebox we request for shipping and related costs. By adopting a shoebox, you can partner with them to deliver the Gospel and help “bring salvation to the ends of the earth” (Acts 13:47, ESV).
This year, we're dedicated to filling as many shoeboxes as possible, and we invite everyone to join us in this mission. If you can't contribute financially, consider lending a hand in packing the shoeboxes. We challenge church families, Sunday School classes, Children's Church, ECL, the Church Board, and anyone who desires to share the Gospel and bring salvation to children and families, to pack at least one shoebox. Pray and see how God leads you. Shoeboxes will be available on the table in the foyer, and a box under the table is ready to collect your purchased items. Are we ready to commit to God's work together? This isn't about me—it's about all of us playing our part in God's kingdom. To support the shipping costs, we'll be hosting a yard sale on May 2nd and 3rd. This is another wonderful way to demonstrate God's love. Please bring your yard sale items to the church by Monday, April 28th.
The items to collect for March are: T-shirts, Pants and Shorts, Dresses and Skirts, Hats (any style: winter, baseball…), Scarves, Gloves, Mittens, Socks Shoes, Flip Flops, Bandanas, Sunglasses, Rain Ponchos, Shoelaces, Silly Dress Up: Animal Masks, Superhero Capes, Princess Tiaras.
Also the first OCC Craft Night will be Thursday, March 20 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. Come and help us share the love of God through these shoeboxes.
~Marsha Delmoe
July 28 (AM)
March Greeters
Andrea Smith
Vanessa Shoemaker
Special Need: Greeters are Still Needed!
We still could use 3 or 4 more people.